General Rules
- SPEED LIMIT: 5 MPH at all times.
- QUIET HOURS: 11:00PM to 8:00AM.
- LIGHTS: Turn out all outside lights when you retire for the night. Decorative lights must be out by 11:00PM and are restricted to the perimeter of your screen house or trailer awning.
- FIRES: No wood from outside the park is allowed. Leave the bugs where they are. No bonfires allowed. Fires must be out before check-out. Only untreated wood is to be burned. No metal or glass of any kind should be burned. No wood with nails or chemicals is to be burned. Fireplaces are not to be moved.
- WOOD PILES: May not exceed 4 feet long by 2 feet wide by 3 feet high.
- ATV’S, MOTORIZED SCOOTERS, AND MINIBIKES: Not allowed in the campground.
- BICYCLES: Exercise caution. NO RIDING AFTER DARK. Ride on roads only. DO NOT RIDE ON LAWNS OR OTHER CAMPSITES. Use of helmet is a state law.
- TREES: Tree cutting, nailing, debarking, or other damage will not be permitted. A charge of $50.00 per occurrence will be assessed. FIREWOOD and MARSHMALLOW STICKS are for sale at the office.
- DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: Possession of illegal drugs will be reported to the proper authorities as will use of alcohol by minors. Drunkenness, profanity or other offensive behavior will not be permitted. Smoking by minors is not allowed in the campground.
- SMOKING OF MARIJUANA: Smoking of marijuana is not allowed in public areas within the campground.
- RUBBISH: Rubbish should be sealed in a bag and deposited in the dumpster located behind the office. Please leave your site and fireplace as clean as you found them. Please to not discard filter tips, candy wrappers or other trash on the grounds.
- PETS: Pets of registered campers are permitted. Proof of current vaccines must be presented at check-in. Pets of all kinds must be kept on a leash or confined at all times. Owners are responsible for removing pet waste promptly. It should be tied in a plastic bag and disposed of properly. Pets are not allowed in the playground, pavilion, pond or beach. NOISY PETS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Visitor pets are not allowed.
- FIREARMS: Firearms are not permitted, including paintball, BB guns, and bows & arrows.
- CHILDREN: Children must be on a site by 9:00 PM and on their own site by 11:00 PM, unless accompanied by a parent of another responsible adult. No child under the age of 18 is to be left alone in the campground unless supervised by an adult, 21 or older. Parents are responsible for their children at all times. Please teach them the rules.
- COMFORT STATIONS: Restrooms are provided for your convenience. Please leave them as clean as you found them. No dish washing is allowed in the comfort stations.
- WILDLIFE: All forms of wildlife are to be respected. Anyone who abuses our wildlife will be asked to leave without refund.
- COURTESY: Please be courteous to your neighbors. Do not cut through sites. Yelling or vulgar language will not be tolerated.
Pond Rules
- SWIMMING: SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. A parent or responsible adult must accompany children or non-swimmers. No one, regardless of age, should swim alone. Use the buddy system. No pets or bikes allowed in the pond or on the beach. No swimming after dark. No diving or jumping off of the bridge or docks.
- BOATING: No gas motorboats are allowed on the pond. Each passenger on a boat must have a personal flotation device. This is a state law and our pond is policed by the Town of Sutton. There is a $50.00 fine for each person without a personal flotation device, if caught by the authorities. This is a requirement for all types of boats. State Boating Laws must be observed at all times. No boating after dark.
- FISHING: Fishing is allowed for registered campers only. However, you must have a Massachusetts fishing license unless you are 15 years of age or younger. Do not fish from someone else’s site.
- PROTECT OUR WATER: Do not discard papers, cans, bottles or rubbish of any kind in the pond. No laundering or soaping of any kind is allowed in the pond.